Brendon GREEN - comedian
Hoani HOTENE - comedian

Names A- Z


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Steven LYONS

Quick fire comedic chaos - the Tasmanian devil with better annunciation and slightly less body hair

Steven Lyons (NZ Comedy Guild Nominated Best MC 2019) has performed comedy around the globe and likes to make comedy hugs for your ears with his absurd yet empathetic word play and views on life. 


Returned from 7 years of performing in Chicago and around the USA Steven now warms up audiences for TV Three’s The Project and 7 Days, co-founded The Dice Show (Nz Comedy Guild nominated Best Live Show 2019 & 2020), hosts New Zealand’s #1 Arnold Schwarzenegger fan comedy podcast I’ll Be Back Catalogue (Nz Comedy Guild Nominated Best Podcast 2019, 2018 & 2017) as well as performing stand up across Nz.


“Brilliant comedic effect.” - Keeping Up With Nz

“Charismatic and highly likeable MC” - Theatreview


Follow on Twitter: @stelyons

More information at


Nz Comedy Guild Awards 2019 Nominated Best MC

Nz Comedy Guild Awards 2019 & 2020 Nominated Best Live Show: The Dice Show

Nz Comedy Guild Awards 2020 Nominated Best Improv Show: The Dice Show

Nz Comedy Guild Awards 2019, 2018, 2017 Nominated Best Comedy Web Series, Podcast Or Radio Series: I’ll Be Back Catalogue


Nz Comedy Guild Awards 2019 Nominated Best MC

Nz Comedy Guild Awards 2019 & 2020 Nominated Best Live Show: The Dice Show

Nz Comedy Guild Awards 2020 Nominated Best Improv Show: The Dice Show

Nz Comedy Guild Awards 2019, 2018, 2017 Nominated Best Comedy Web Series, Podcast Or Radio Series: I’ll Be Back Catalogue