Eddy BRIMSON (England) - comedian

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Raybon Kan

Raybon KAN

Wellington comedian Raybon Kan has performed at comedy festivals in Montreal, Edinburgh and Melbourne

Wellington comedian Raybon Kan has performed at comedy festivals in Montreal, Edinburgh and Melbourne. He's the author of three books: America on 5 Bullets a Day (a travel book focusing on tennis and Martin Luther King); 5 Days in Las Vegas (a collection); and An Asian at my Table (also a collection.) His stand-up career began in Wellington, with a show at Bats called Egotesticle, revealing a fatal weakness for title puns. Other show titles include Demeaning of Life, Raybon of the Lost Ark, and a Christmas show, Clear and Present Manger. Challenged to come up with a James Bond title for a show, he chose The Man With the Golden Raybon, instead of much stronger candidates Raybon Never Comes, or Raybonpussy. He also came up with the title for the NZ comedy/horror film, Diagnosis: Death.