Hamish WEBBER - comedian

Names A- Z




A fresh face on the local comedy circuit with a dark acerbic wit.

Aimée Thorne has a dark acerbic wit.


She brings her grim observations to the stage that draw on her experiences surviving the trauma of misfortune. She likes to conjure laughs from the depths of her despair for the audiences amusement, because she is generous this way. 


Aimée Thorne has obtained a Bachelor of Performing and Screen Arts degree. She majored in writing and directing for screen and theatre. This degree has qualified her for a career in customer service which she has just been made redundant from. 

This makes her comedy all the more relevant because at the very least her act will remain recession proof. 


She is dead inside but does her best to make this work for her. Comedy is her way of turning lemons into lemonade. 


If life has also dealt you a bad hand, play your cards right and come see Aimée Thorne perform.


She will make you laugh at all things tragic.