Paul DOUGLAS - comedian

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Te Radar is the deconstructionalist of stand-up comedy

Unique in NZ comedy, Te Radar is the deconstructionalist of stand-up comedy.

He is an award winning satirist, documentary maker, writer, stage and screen director, terrible gardener, failed war correspondent, and amateur historian. 

As well as a slew of his own live “docu-comedies” seen on stages across the nation, he’s starred in several top rating TVNZ programmes. These include Off the Radar, Radars Patch, Global Radar, Radar across the Pacific and Homegrown. His TV series Te Radar’s Chequered Past was based on his acclaimed New Zealand history stage show Eating the Dog.

He is also a sought after MC, after-dinner and corporate speaker, and conference facilitator, 

Having won just about every New Zealand comedy award from the Fred Award to the Billy T for excellence in comedy, he also has a myriad of accolades in documentary making from the Film and Television Awards, and for writing from the Qantas Media Awards. In 2018 he received an honorary Master of Arts degree from Wintec for his contribution to Media and Entertainment.