Josh THOMSON - comedian

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James Keating 2023


When it comes to energy on stage no one can put a finger on James Keating.

Since he first set foot on stage in 2001, James has carved out a niche as New Zealand’s master of one-liner comedy.

His clean stylings have been enjoyed by audiences throughout New Zealand and Australia, and he has performed five solo shows at the New Zealand International Comedy Festival, as well as solo shows at the Christchurch Comedy Carnival and the Hamilton Fringe Festival

James was nominated for the prestigious Billy T Award for comedy in 2009, and has appeared on TV2 ‘Pulp Comedy’ and ‘A Night at the Classic’.

"Endearing awkwardness wrapped around elegant, clever material. Genuinely smart, witty gags." - Christchurch Comedy Carnival

"Quick, clever, intelligent rapier wit." - TVNZ


Watch James Keating's Showreel


Follow James on Twitter: @keatingcomedy 




7:00 p.m. at The Classic Studio (Upstairs on the 1st Floor)

$15 (Transaction Fees will apply)