Joel VINSEN - comedian

Names A- Z



Itay DOM

2025 Billy T Comedy Award Nominee

Itay has been on the Auckland comedy scene for the last 8 years and most recently was seen getting eliminated from the Bachelorette NZ. He can be heard on Radio New Zealand and has written for popular comedy shows such as 7 Days and Have You Been Paying Attention.

"Great gags and a truly original comic voice" - Ben Hurley (7 Days)

"I have seen more of Itay's gigs than anyone else and he has improved" - Scott Blanks (owner of The Classic)


7:30 p.m. at The Classic (Main Venue - Ground Fl)

Adult $22 / Door sales usually available from 7pm / Prebook on Eventfinda and Save with Exclusive Tables for 2,4,6 and 10 people

7:30 p.m. at The Classic (Main Venue - Ground Fl)

Door sales usually available $15 OR Prebook Exclusive Tables for 2, 4 or 6 people (Limited numbers) on Eventfinda

10:00 p.m. at The Classic (Main Venue - Ground Fl)

Adult $15 / Door sales available from 7pm / Prebook on Eventfinda and Save with Exclusive Tables for 2, 4 , 6 & 10+ / RP18