Theo SHAKES - comedian

Names A- Z



Brendon GREEN

Nominee for the 2023 Fred Award for Best Show in the NZ Comedy Festival

Brendon Green brings a warm and friendly energy to every room he's in. 

Combining hilarious jokes, world class storytelling, and an authentic emotional honesty, he is a treat for every kind of comedy fan. A great MC and a favourite feature act, he has honed his comedy skills on stages all over the world. 

2023 Fred Award Nominee

2023 UNESCO City Of Heritage Award Nominee

2018 Best Storytelling Show Winner

2014 Billy T Award Nominee

Writer for 7 Days, Taskmaster NZ, Have You Been Paying Attention, Paddy Gower Has Issues, and many more.

"one of the strongest story-telling comics in New Zealand" - Ruminator 

"He uses words and wordplay skilfully… and has a sweet wit about him"







2014 Billy T Award Nominee

2012 Best Newcomer - NZ International Comedy Festival